I am


Welcome to my personal webpage,

I am an embedded software engineer with over 1 years of experience in developing and deploying complex embedded systems. With a deep passion for this field and a solid understanding of embedded programming languages, I have been involved in and succeeded in numerous critical and diverse projects.

Throughout my career, I have:

  • Firmware Development: I have been involved in firmware development for embedded systems, ensuring stability and high performance.
  • Troubleshooting and Maintenance: I have the ability to quickly analyze and resolve issues in embedded infrastructure, ensuring that systems operate smoothly.
  • Researching New Technologies: I am always curious and researching new technologies to improve performance and integrate new solutions into projects.
  • Team Support: I have the ability to work efficiently in a team and support other team members in the development and deployment of projects.

I hope that my knowledge and experience can contribute to the growth and success of your company or project.

Thank you for considering my profile.

Embedded Software Engineer

About me:




2017 - 2022

Specialization: Telecommunications Electronics

GPA: 2.73/4.0

TOEIC: 545


Commercial & Technical STD Company (Internship)

07/2020 - 08/2020
  • Support repairing damaged UPS devices.
  • Research PROLiNK Sonority II Wireless Smart Speaker for device control via voice commands.
  • Participate in installation and maintenance of UPS battery units in buildings.

FPT Telecom – IoT LAB (Internship)

05/2021 - 05/2022
  • Learn data structures and algorithms, practiced solving problems on platforms like Codeforces, SPOJ, UVA, Hackerrank.
  • Explore and approach architectures designed for embedded systems (RTOS, Event-Driven).
  • Experience with the GNU/Linux Ubuntu operating system and command-line interface.


FPT Telecom – IoT LAB

05/2022 - Present

Embedded Software Engineer

  • Assume the role of developing firmware for management and monitoring systems and devices.
  • Receive requests for system troubleshooting and maintenance when there are incidents on the infrastructure where equipment is installed.
  • Research new solutions and technologies to serve technical issues.
  • Supporting interns in their learning process and guiding their career paths.


My most relevant skills are the following:

Technical skills

  • Programming Languages: C/C++, Shell script, Makefiles for build automation.
  • Microcontroller and Microprocessor Familiarity: ARM, AVR, PIC.
  • Embedded Operating Systems: FreeRTOS, Linux.
  • Platform and Framework: ESP-IDF, STM32CubeIDE, Visual Studio, Qt.
  • Communication Protocols: UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, Ethernet, USB.
  • Network Protocols: Socket, UDP/TCP, MQTT, BLE, Wifi, Modbus.
  • Knowledge of FOTA, Bootloader for embedded system.
  • Design HMI (HMI Delta) and LUA Script programming using DOPSoft.

Soft skills

  • Logic analysis for debugging and testing.
  • Schematic analysis and technical documents.
  • Ability to work independently, research to solve issues during project execution.

Teamwork skills

  • Ability to work effectively in a team environment.
  • Listening and communication and collaboration.
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise with team members.


Here are some of my projects.

Real-time Locating System

  • Project date: July 2022 - September 2022
  • Description:

    A Real-time Locating System (RTLS) utilizes UWB (Ultra-Wideband) technology to enable real-time device positioning, also known as tag.
    The system comprises:

  • Contribution: Firmware developement.
  • Tech Stack: C/C++, Makefile, Git, Logic Analysis Pulse, Decawave DRTLS Manager.

Outdoor POP Monitoring System

  • Project date: October 2022 – August 2023
  • Description: OPMS (Operations and Infrastructure Management System) is a system designed to manage and monitor FPT Telecom's infrastructure through sensors and algorithms. It is intended to control devices in critical situations.
  • Contribution: Firmware developement and testing.
  • Tech Stack: C/C++, Makefile, Git, Shell script, DSView, SVN, MQTT, Modbus.

Roof Security System

  • Project date: April 2023 – June 2023
  • Description: Roof Security System monitors and warns of intrusion based on signals from sensors and provides timely warnings in case of unauthorized intrusion from the roof.
  • Contribution: Firmware developement.
  • Tech Stack: C/C++, Makefile, Git, Shell script, Tailscale, Thingsboard, FriendlyARM., Modbus.

ODF Automated Infrastructure Management

  • Project date: April 2023 – July 2023
  • Description: ODF AIM is a monitoring and management system for FPT Telecom's Optical Distribution Frames (ODF) infrastructure
  • Contribution: Firmware developement.
  • Tech Stack: C/C++, Makefile, Git, CAN Bus.

Operation Monitor Base Transciever Station

  • Project date: August 2023 – September 2023
  • Description: OMBTS station monitoring system solution based on device management files on gateway (NanoPi NEO). Developers can easily integrate their systems into the monitoring suite through editing these management files.
  • Contribution: Firmware developement.
  • Tech Stack: C/C++, Makefile, Git, FriendlyARM, Modbus.


Feel free to reach me out: